Kristoffs pig farm explore & green ball challenge

Posted by Worcester Videos
This was a little different. An explore and a challenge, all in one. It was a fantastic day of exploring even though it was pouring out. Between the melting snow and the rain, it was difficult at times to traverse the woods in certain area’s. Another explorer, J&M exploration (check out their channel) hid a little green ball in a stove out in the woods on the former pig farm known as Kristoff’s in Sterling, Ma. They had found it on a previous explore and hid it. I was determined to be the one to find it. It was not an easy breezy find as there are over 600 + acres to roam. There are foundations, old pig pens, structures, vehicles and more out here... you can not see it all in one day. This was a good old fashioned challenge and my competitive nature made me seek it out. Have fun but more importantly, get up and get outside.. there is always something to see. Happy Exploring (5:56)
Posted December 6, 2018 - Filed in News
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