The former Italian American Civic Club on Lake Ave. (May 14, 2019)
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Former ITAM Club on Lake Ave. sold for $375k
The former Italian American (ITAM) Civic Club, 231 Lake Ave., has been sold, according to
On Monday, One Waterfront LLC sold the property to Corinth Realty Trust and local businessman Dean Stamoulis, president and founder of Garden Fresh Deli & Catering at Saint Vincent Hospital. The sale price was $375,000.
The sale comes just two business days after the owner of the former Four Seasons Restaurant, which abuts the ITAM, received permission from the Worcester Historical Commission to demolish the former restaurant and accompanying buildings to make way for four single-family homes.
In March 2018, One Waterfront received permission from the Zoning Board of Appeals to increase the number of housing units on the ITAM property from two to three.
During that hearing, David Horne of the city's Department of Inspectional Services was asked if the property could be used again as a restaurant. Horne said it could not.
In addition, multiple abutters voiced opposition to the plan, fearing the permit would be a step toward more housing units being placed on the property.
According to the meeting minutes:
"Abutter Catherine Britt expressed concern that in the future that location could be turned into an apartment building.
"Abutter Paul Towler stated that he would like the location restricted to three apartments on the property.
"Abutter Frank Denoia expressed concern that a precedent was being set if this application is approved."
The former ITAM Club abuts the soon-to-be-demolished Four Seasons Restaurant (May 14, 2019)
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